An opinion piece on how to purge sex offender’s from society

We have a morale issue in America and it is not better expressed then when you see how judges and our country punish sex offenders.  Lets examine some quick points on comparing sentencing guidelines for sex offenders,

First offenders usually get plead down to a non-sexual related crime like assault.  This sometimes result in them getting out of registration and usually results in stopping a pattern from being noticeable.  Compare a rapist to a drug dealer and you will see in most cases drug dealers get more of a fine and a tougher sentence than a first time rapist.

Lets be clear, if a man can stay sexually motivated while someone is screaming and crying and fighting to get away there is no cure for that.  Let me repeat, once a man gets a sexual charge out of being a monster no amount of therapy will fix it.  It takes an abnormal brain to function sexually during such a duressful situation and it takes an evil mind to want to force yourself on an unwanting victim.  So why do we spend billions of dollars trying to rehabilitate rapists?  Why do we put rapists in prisons to prey upon non – violent criminals.  I have personal knowledge of a 18 year old kid who went to prison for a second marijuana possession offense and was put in a cell with a 40year old man who had been convicted of rape 3 times.  The 40 year old man was 6 foot 6 and weighed well over 300 pounds and he raped the 18 year old kid and probably ruined his life.  A rapist who is convicted must be given a 2 year period of time to have evidence researched and an appeal and then must have a bullett put in his head.  There is no arguing that point, it is a necessary purge of a defective part in our society.  Rapists cost tax payers over $40,000 a year during incarceration and much more after in counseling which is worthless, and monitoring programs.

Child molesters even get more leniancy from our country.  In most cases it takes a third conviction to do any serious jail time.  3 kids lives get ruined trying to fix a child molester.  Once a man or a woman finds a child sexually attractive there is no cure for it.  It is once again a defective human being who must immediately be purged from society.  There is no counseling or control measure that will stop them from endangering and ruining the life of the most defenseless victims, our youth.  Why is this even debatable? 

My thinking is this, public execution of all sex offenders and I promise you within a couple of years we would feel a lot safer going to a park, or letting or children play.  We would also save tax payer money on wasted counselors, wasted facilities and wasted dollars on housing the people who cannot exist in our society.  Why pay to monitor, house and to try to rehibilitate a monster?

Until we as Americans get over the concept of everyone deserves a second chance and until we as Americans get tougher on EVIL people who can do no good to a normal functioning society we will continue to head down an EVIL path.  Please let me know your thoughts on this and if you think I am wrong I’d sure like to hear why a rapist or child molester deserves 1 dollar of our money or 1 second of our time instead of 1 bullett in the head.

Published in: on January 23, 2010 at 1:29 am  Comments (1)  

Jim Carey Stand up that will make you pee yourself!

You gotta watch some of these clips:

Great stuff!

Published in: on January 23, 2010 at 12:23 am  Leave a Comment