A funny story about me and my brother Larry

Last night Larry called me an reminded me of a pretty funny story from my past and I thought I would share it.

So one night me and my brother went out and got absolutely drunk off our butts.  We closed the bar and then came home and were watching movies on demand until the early AM until we both passed out on respective couches.  We left the TV on and On Demand plays the same trailer for a movie over and over and over again.  I was WAY to hung over to go and turn off the TV and so was Larry, so after 6 hours of misery we both were able to recite the trailer for a movie called SOMMERSBY starring Richard Gere and Jodi Foster.

The funny thing is last night when Larry reminded me of this, 15 years later I still knew the trailer by heart. Here it is:


Published in: on January 10, 2010 at 4:44 pm  Leave a Comment