Farewell to 2009 A year in Review by Lonnie Pitts

Goodbye 2009

2009 started bad for me and many of my friends as Continental Warranty closed up shop on the 4th of January ending my six years as a manager and taking my salary from $119,000 a year to unemployment.  I also had ballooned in weight to a frightening 467 pounds and my blood pressure was up to 155 over 100 on a regular reading.

When my job ended it was a big suprise, the worst of it is that Tiffany lost her job also on January 9th leaving us both on unemployment and going from a monthly income of $11,000 a month to a monthly income of $3,600 a month.  Yikes.

In January I flew down to Los Angeles for 3 weeks and was hired by a company who did loan modifications.  The company disolved within a week but we learned enough to start planning our own company that worked with an attorney that did the same thing.  The company wouldnt open until March so when I came back home I started working out at least to use some of the free time I had while unemployed.

In March me and my lovely wife started work at the new company and things seemed to be all well and fine, we started making money again and we were helping people.  Meanwhile the Federal Government was doing the most unbelievable things I have ever seen:

– Rushing through a Stimulus Bill with no disclosure and no input from constituants.  The Stimulus Bill was a large spending program with over 1,000 pet projects for congressmen and the presidents supporters, it seemed a repayment of the bribe of getting campaign contributions.  The rhetoric of anti conservatism began.

– Obama went on a international tour actually apologizing to Germans of all people for American tyrrany?  The most puzzling thing ever until he followed up by apologizing to Japanese for the bombs we dropped on them to stop them from taking over the east and actually apologizing to AFRICA for our autracities such as giving them trillions of dollars of aid and donations from our tax coffers.

– In the early spring OBAMA introduced the Help for Homeowners program which was designed to Incentivize banks to help troubled home owners.  The program is a disaster and even as of October banks had only helped 116,000 people out of the promised 5 million people it was intended to help.  Make no doubt the housing market is not fixed or recovering, it is going to explode in the next couple of years as defaults rise and interest only and option arms adjust and hit people where it hurts.

– In July Health Care took over and showed the true nature of OBAMA, he is a radical socialist who will bully and do whatever it takes to wrestle power and individual liberties from our country in place of social justice and control.  My brother Larry and his wonderful family visited us for a week and it was a great time seeing my new nephew Chris, and my nephews and nieces and of course Brenda.

– In August Tiffany got a new job and left my company at my encouragment, she actually picked up two jobs and we visited her family in Idaho.  Nationally senators and house people were being hounded by freedom loving Tea Party members, it was a resistance to the tyranny that would be thwarted by an uncaring elected tyranny and a unbelievably biased media.

– In September me and Tiffany visited Ohio, had some drinks with my Sister Cassie and Jerry and Darrell and Kimmie.  Had a great time with my family and also started a new diet.  I weighed in at 424 so working out had lost me 43 pounds since January.  Tiff weighed in at 323.

In November we went to Idaho for Thanksgiving and I left my job as it is a dying business.  I started 2 new jobs and almost impaled myself on a plant stake leading to a MRSA staph infection.  Tiger Woods was caught, 2 teams were undefeated at 13-0 and Lebron is leaving Cleveland.

As of today, I weigh in at 374 and have lost 93 pounds total and Tiffany is at a slender 282 having lost 43 pounds.  I am consistantly reading my blood pressure at 120 over 82 and I beat my MRSA infection, if not the medical bills it caused.  I look back at this year and I think of the following:

I met some great friends this year, Tyler and Erin, Kay C and Joey, many others as well.  I got to see every single member of my family this year which is a huge plus, and I got a lot healthier than I started.  I lost a great job and replaced it with some buffers but know soon I will be back to the top of my game, work ethic and talent always overcome.  Me and my wife grew closer and stronger, my dogs have gotten better, and through the great invention of Facebook I have connected with many old friends and many family members whom I love and cherish.  I have soured on the course of our government and have become convinced that with a friendly media, a progressive president and a radically leftist congress 2010 poses a risk of our very sovereignty and our countries future.  Economically I think we are still in a major recession, unemployment I believe will reach 12% in 2010 and I think defaults on mortgages will go over 4 million by march, taxes will be neglected in a record number this year and the Congress will pass health care by Jan 15th, Pass Cap n trade by April and Immigration reform by September and If they arent stopped from adding anti repeal language a revolution will be necessary to stop the progressive movement.

Love you all and I hope next year is better for us all.

Published in: on December 31, 2009 at 4:28 am  Leave a Comment  

The list of my favorite all time Movie Characters:

Okay here is my favorite movie characters of all time, not really in order, please feel free to add to the list or refute any of my choices.

Don Corleone – Godfather II, played by Robert Deniro.  Of course the movie is without question the best of the serie and Deniro was in prime form as Vito Corleone, immigrant from Sicily.  Bill Pullman played the young Vito (Just kidding).  Anyways best part was when Vito Corleone killed a man known as the Hand who was trying to take money from him, and his 2 future Capos.  He offered to pay the Hand a much smaller amount than agreed upon, then followed him eventually shooting him in the face and hence taking over leadership of his new gang.

Spaniard – Maximus – From the movie Gladiator.  Maximus is played by Russell Crowe and is a highly devoted general to the legions of Rome’s army, he is betrayed by the son of Ceasar who also kills his own father to obtain the throne.  Best part of the movie is when Maximus is forced to fight as a slave in an arena in Africa and makes himself famous for the terror he inflicts upon gladiators.

The Groundskeeper from Caddyshack, played by Bill Murray.  The ultimate performance of Bill Murrays life culminated with him holding a pitchfork to a youthful caddy’s throat while he tells the tale of him caddying for the Dali Lama and getting stiffed on a tip but gaining total conciousness, truly a classic.

Darth Vader – The king of villians, the only knock on Darth is the horrendous acting  job done by Hayden Whatever his name is in the new Star Wars series, in the old movies Darth rocked and his power was unquestionable.

Drexel – Pimp from True Romance played by Gary Oldman.  True Romance one of the most underated movies of all time has many great performances by one of the most talented casts ever assembled.  But Gary Oldman’s role as a wanna bee Pimp and his great speech towards Christian Slater and the ensuing fight between the two.

Red – Prison inmate with connections from Shawshank Redemption played by the legendary Morgan Freeman.  Red supplies Andy Dufrein with friendship and support in one of the best movies of all time.  There are definitely high and low points for Red but he ends up doing pretty well.  His narratives make the movie.

Mickey – Rocky’s infamous trainer in part 1-3 until his death.  Still makes appearances in flashbacks and in heart felt speeches in all 6 movies but his influence in Rocky’s story makes the movies without question.

Ricky Roma – Al Pacinos performance in Glengarry Glen Ross is priceless, any budding salesman should watch this show especially his final speech to Ed Harris and the last speech by him to his boss.  Phenomenal performance by an extremely talented cast.

More to come!

Published in: on December 30, 2009 at 4:24 am  Comments (2)  

Holiday Season Update

What is happening on12/26/2009, well lets break it into some current events:


Marshall hung on to beat Ohio University.

Pittsburgh comes back to beat North Carlonia in a great game.

USC looks to hold off Boston College and try to hold on to some self respect.


The dirtbags have went into hiding in their own districts meanwhile the dictator of our country is vacationing in Hawaii.  The media is gloating on how powerful Obama was to pass through this legislation that many have failed on.  I am sure in 1938 German newspapers heralded Adolf Hitler as a Godsend for restoring Germany to power after the decimation they experienced in World War I.  In1943 the world celebrated Josef Stalin as a triumphant savior of The Soviet Union, he like Hitler was man of the year in Time magazine, actually twice.  Later of course it would be found that he killed more jewish people than Hitler and starved his people to produce nuclear weapons in mass amounts and put the world close to the brink of world war 3.

All quiet on the Wester Front right now.


My mom is here in Seattle visiting, we are watching Dexter Season 4 which is awesome.  My wife is doing great and my brother is buried in snow in Kansas while my other siblings are chilling in Ohio.

Not much going on, work and time to figure at a wonderful new years resolution.

Published in: on December 27, 2009 at 3:39 am  Leave a Comment  

Tiger Humor! The Poem you must read..

Twas the night of Thanksgiving
And out of the house
Came Tiger Woods flying,
Chased by his spouse.

She wielded a 9 iron
And wasn’t too merry
‘cause a bimbo’s phone number
Was on his Blackberry.

He had been cheating
On poor little Elin,
And as each day went by
Another ho’ came out squealin’

He’d been on Holly, on Jamie,
On Rachel, on Corey,
On Joslyn, and Kaleeka.
(TMZ had the story).

From the top of the world
To above the fold
Tiger’s ever more sordid
Tale it was told.

With hostesses, waitresses
He had lots of sex,
And when he wasn’t hosin’ ‘em
He sent ‘em hot texts.

He crashed his Caddie
But didn’t call On-Star.
He played “Spank me Daddy’
With a skanky old porn star.

He’s been naughty.
With Santa, he hasn’t a chance,
‘cept a big lump of coal
to match the lump in his pants.

But despite all his crying
And beggin’ and pleadin’
His wife went right out
And bought a new house in Sweden.

And I heard her exclaim
As she packed up the Escalade
‘If you’re gonna get laid,
Then, I’m gonna get paid!”

Now, she’s not pouting;
In fact, she’s of good cheer.
Her Pre-nup made Christmas
Come early this year!

Published in: on December 24, 2009 at 6:35 am  Leave a Comment  

What Christmas means to my family and friends.

What does Christmas mean to me?  I think it is the love of my parents, my brothers and sisters, the love of my wife and her family, the love of my family and friends. 

My parents were povert by the world standards.  Both worked hard to provide for us and my father was on strike for over 5 years when I was young and I remember my Grandma Helen giving me and my brother Larry electronic tanks that were about all we got that year, it was so great.  My mom and dad always tried to make Christmas special and as times improved my one regret is that the more they gave the more we wanted and the more we demanded and the less grateful I was.  Now I would give anything for a free hug from either of my grandmas, or a quiet dinner with my dad, and a joyous breakfast with my mother.  How often I now believe that the gifts we give pale in comparison to the gift of companionship and family spirit.

My brothers and sisters and I have always shared the holidays and I love them dearly.  My brother Larry and his family lived so close to me and I didn’t take advantage of the proximity, I should have visited so much more often as now he lives thousands of miles away and I regret not being able to spend holiday time with him and his wife Brenda and their lovely children, my nieces and nephews.  Darrell and Jerry I miss dearly and wish I could be nearer to them as well, especially Jerry as I know this can be a lonely time of year and Darrell has the irreplacable Kimmy!  Cassie and Dreama, my lovely sisters I miss tremendously, I cherish my nephews Blake and Vinny and my niece Brooklyn!  I love both of my sisters and wish I could go over to their houses and spend quality time this Christmas year.  I honor the memory of my fallen brother Jerry Lee Woody who passed 8 years ago.  Jerry Lee Woody always in my mind represents the best of holiday spirit, loving everyone and giving all you possess to your friends and family.  I love all of my siblings and Merry Xmas!

My wife, when you share your life with someone Christmas is every day and I don’t need a tree or wrapped presents to know how special every day is when you are in love and married to your soul mate.  I love my wife and I know I cannot put as many gifts under the tree this year but the gift I give unconditionally everyday has never been bigger, I love you and I am very happy to be married to you Tiff, merry XMAS.

The rest of my family and friends are certainly not deserving of being mentioned last.  I really have connected with some people from my past this year due to the invention of facebook, many of my high school classmates and my fellow Ohioans.  I am glad to see you all are doing well and I appreciate your friendship and pass on my best holiday wishes to all of you.  My new friends and Seattle friends are a great gift this year as well, many new friends like Erin and Tyler, Joey and KayC, and all of the rest of the crew it makes the harder times easy and the feeling of the holiday very special.  I love my friend Steven Sloan and Jonas Seaman, Jesse Kessler, Angela Charlie, Christine and Travis, Steve and Tina Jarrett,  Jordan Potter and Serita Long and all of the other very special friends I have in Seattle including Tiffany Ross and Jeremy and anyone I forgot I swear to God I love you and wish you all a tremendous holiday season and a great new year.

I know I am known for negative political posts and how much I worry about the country, I do worry.  I do think that with the special people I know, the special bond and community spirit I feel even typing this post that we can make it under the principles of family and friendship.  The people who hate what we stand for always try to destroy principles and traditions, and to wedge families and friends but a community that stands strong even if only for one day a year can make it two days the next, and three the next and eventually a lifestyle of love, community and family spirit.

I love you all and I love God for giving me the wisdom and ability to have such a great holiday with you and your families.  Bless you all and lets make 2010 a greater year than the world has ever seen!

The L Train- Lonnie Pitts

Published in: on December 24, 2009 at 6:22 am  Leave a Comment  

Have the Washington Games gone too far…

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive. Thomas Jefferson.

Progressive politicians are going too far now and the constitution is being trampled on by many pieces of legislation, lets discuss some of these points and dispell liberal attacks on the subject. 

Government is not allowed to mandate a citizen to buy ANY product. ANY product.  This new health care bill mandates private citizens be forced to buy insurance.  This is critical for anyone 26-35 because these are the people who normally skip paying for insurance because they are healthy.  LIBERALS say its the same as car insurance being mandatory, that is WRONG.  We don’t have a right to drive, so if someone cannot afford car insurance they don’t have to have a car and pay for it.  With health insurance you cannot abandon your life because you cannot afford it.  Dont let a lying liberal try to compare the two, it is a false analogy.

Next, the expansion of parents being able to keep their children on their health insurance plans until age 26.  That sounds great until you see the cost increase and the horrible position that puts the parents in when they are stuck paying extra high rates to not dump their children off their health insurance.

They say it lowers the defecit, this is such a direct lie.  First and foremost they say it will lower the defecit by cutting medicaire, that will never happen.  Elderly people are too important of a voter block to cut their medicaire.  Lets be honest old people still vote democrat because 40 years ago republicans tried to stop medicaire from being created and in Reagans watch he tried to cut it because it was being so abused by fraud.  Elderly people will vote democratic even as the democrats destroy their country because they feel the republicans want to drain medicaire.  I just saw 60 democrats vote for a bill that proposes 500 billion in medicaire cuts and didnt hear a word from AARP.

The democrats say this bill will improve health care? That is another direct lie, how can adding 30 million people to a system and cutting the payments to facilities that provide the service improve care?  Answer that please, any democrat.  Please answer that.  If you had a restraunt and you added 100 customers and didnt increase your staff do you think the wait time would be the same or improved?  Do you think the employees would be motivated to handle 100 times the clients with less money coming in?  Why do you think Canadian specialists and Special doctors from all over the world practice in the US, because socialized medicine creates no incentive for medical practicioners to be exceptional or improve quality of care.

They say this bill will not cover illegal immigrants, remember Joe Wilson yelling “YOU LIE”   They did lie because one clause of this bill prevents any health facility from asking citizenship status of any person seeking treatment, how is that not covering illegal immigrants?

They say that most americans will now be covered, 95%.  Why dont they mention the 5% is 24,000,000 people.  Why are we spending over 1 trillion dollars, smashing our constitution, raising taxes and trampling the individual liberties of every private citizen and health insurance company and rushing it through the Senate at 1 AM at night and still leaving over 20 million americans uncovered???Explain that please…..

Transperency?  Remember Heir Obama saying that the debates would be on C SPAN and every american would be able to see the bill before it was enacted.  Closed doors with Reid and Ram Emmanuel, no tv coverage, no internet posting of the bill and the actual people voting on the bill were given 24 hours to see it!  Please explain why this bill couldnt be read for a month before voting, why is it not posted online, why was the discussions that got Nebraska, Louisiana, Conneticut sweet heart packages not televised?  Anyone who used to spout conspiracy theories about Bush for Haliburton and you dont think this is worse?  If you believe it is not worse you are a idiot.

The most dangerous and unconstitutional part of the bill is the many clauses that say this entitlement cannot be reveresed in 2010.  Anti repeal legislation doesnt exist in any current US law including our constitution.  Even our constitution has been ammended 26 times and this health care monstrocity cannot be edited or repealed later no matter how bad it hurts us?  This is a new trend that democrats are going to try this year and it must be fought to the death, because any legislation that cannot be undone is a mandate of dictatorship and not a mandate of the citizenry.  If not challenged they will go crazy passing wacko legislation for the next 9 months to get crazy progressive left wing loon agendas in place with a anti repeal clause so when they lose 60 seats in november it doesnt matter.  George Orwell 1984 describes this exact road map.  If it continues unfortunatelly it is going to take a bloody revolution to stop them.

Published in: on December 23, 2009 at 7:41 am  Leave a Comment  

The worst publication of my career

Many read my posts and think I am a right wing crazy and that I am just anti Obama and probably even a racist.

In 2008, very early in the electoral process I was in favor of voting for Obama, I had no idea what a radical progressive he was.  Read the article published in the Seattle Times. http://o.seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/opinion/2004275510_snolonniepitts12.html

I hope people who are just following the flow of politics because they are a democrat or a republican can do some soul searching and come to the one undeniable truth.

Republicans and Democrats are both destroying our country, Democrats are pushing the gas pedal on it, the true choice is American or Progressive, and if you are American you must see that destroying Progressives is the necessary course of action.  Not just voting them out, we need to purge this country of their ilk or else we will always have traitors amongst us who hate what we are and what we stand for.

Pray with me and rise up when the time is right.

Published in: on December 22, 2009 at 4:42 pm  Leave a Comment  

Prostitute Congressman!

Check out Rush Limbaugh on this topic at:


Great article and very applicable.

Published in: on December 22, 2009 at 4:41 am  Leave a Comment  

Taxes a rising!

Today I did some math, some harsh math as it were.  Get this:

Last year me and Tiff’s annual income was $134,000.00 and we paid $36,000 in federal income tax.  If the Bush Tax cuts were not in place it would have been $44,500.00 for me.  And remember any family making over $40,000 a year gets whacked next year an extra 5-7% in tax increases when the congress and the president fail to extend the Bush Tax cuts.

So take that 5-7% and add it to the tax increase for health care reform which is estimated to be between 2-3% and not to mention the cost of goods increase that will come naturally from the extra tax burden on small business owners for that legislation.

So that is 7-10%, now add the tax increase that states are going to do.  Washington where I live are exploring a 1% increase and a possible state tax that we presently don’t pay.  States also will be putting taxes in place soon for Cap N Trade legislation which will cause our energy bills to increase as much as $2,400 a year on average which I estimate as another 2% on a normal family.

So now we are at 10-13% in increases, now lets throw in the fact that medical health care reform doesnt take place until 2014 and that insurance companies are going to double the costs of premium while they can still do it and make profits.  This equals another $2,000 I am going to get hit with for me and Tiff.

So now the fun part, I am looking at 15% more in tax this year and my wages are down 20% this year versus last.  Anyone wonder why my posts are so negative??????

Published in: on December 21, 2009 at 5:35 am  Comments (2)  

The Saints fall and my playoff predictions!

Last night the Dallas Cowboys showed why you never can bet on the NFL and expect to be successful.  Where was the Cowboys defense all year long?  Why did they own the line of scrimmage last night?  Why did Romo actually play like a man, we may never know….

The Colts should play for the undefeated season but I predict they will lose in the playoffs.  I think the AFC could be won by a wildcard team like the Ravens or Dolphins, I just think Indy’s inability to run with Peytons interception problem this year will make them vunerable.

The Vikings barring injury should own the NFC.

Should be a good playoffs!

Published in: on December 20, 2009 at 6:13 pm  Leave a Comment